
Science is great because you can get involved with cool experiments.

The best part of Science is that the teachers are really encouraging and if you don’t understand something you can go and ask them about it and they will help you.

The screaming jelly baby experiment was really good fun!


As a compulsory subject it is important that Science learning is contextualised, so it is relevant to students whether or not they intend to pursue their studies of Science to A-level and beyond. We believe that the Science our students learn at Key Stage 3 and 4 will provide them with the scientific capital they will need to be able to engage and understand the scientific concepts and ideas they will encounter throughout their lives. 

So, what do students need to be to face a rapidly evolving and science dependent world?

We believe that firstly, they need to understand ‘big ideas in Science’ (such as the particulate theory of matter, the solar system and its place in the universe, the germ theory of infectious disease) Secondly, students need an appreciation of how Science works, the nature of scientific data and how scientists arrive at explanations, and to be aware that data have limitations and how and why scientific explanations change. Most importantly, students should then be able to use their understanding of scientific concepts to make informed decisions about scientific issues and problems, such as the building of nuclear power stations or wind farms, whether or not to have a child vaccinated or whether to take part in drug trials.

Science Department Curriculum Intent

Key Stage 3

We teach a three-year Key Stage 3 course based on the Oxford University Press Activate Scheme - we are currently embedding this into year 7 and 8, with year 9 first beginning in Sept 2024 to follow. We believe this provides a relevant and engaging Key Stage 3 Science course which will provide students with:

  • Knowledge and understanding of scientific models and concepts
  • A strong basis in disciplinary knowledge- how science works
  • Understanding of the importance and limitations of scientific data
  • Understanding of how scientific explanations are developed and tested by the scientific community
  • A thorough grounding in the scientific knowledge which will allow for a successful transition to Key Stage 4 Science courses

The scheme is put together into topics, each studying specific areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The earlier topics cover aspects that develop KS2 ideas and promote an understanding of basic scientific concepts, such as those concerning the building blocks of living things and how particles make up substances, developing through to more complex ideas, building on previous learning to deliver a broad and thorough course which supports transition to next steps at KS4. Throughout the scheme, there are many opportunities to develop key scientific skills, such as the use of equipment, collecting data and evaluating experiments, as well as a keen focus on the development of mathematical skills. 

Key Stage 4

We offer Key Stage 4 Science courses from the OCR Specification B, Twenty First Century Suite of GCSEs. Students can follow two pathways:

Separate Sciences, where students gain three separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, or combined science, where students gain two GCSEs that are an average of the students’ performance in the three Science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Both separate Sciences and Combined Sciences provide students with the detailed scientific theory, models and ideas necessary to access A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This part of the course contains a considerable amount of practical work.

The new GCSE courses do not have a Controlled Assessment component, meaning that the whole grade is based on the performance in the examinations at the end of Year 11.  As Science is a practical subject, there are questions about the practical skills in the written papers, alongside questions that examine the students’ scientific understanding.


Salter’s Nuffield A-Level Biology (SNAB)

Awarding Body Edexcel (which is a branch of Pearson Qualifications)

Useful Websites
The New Scientist

The BBC - Science and the Environment

Edexcel - Biology A Level

Subject Staff
Ms F Morphet, Mr M Langan

Course Requirements
5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, which must include:
GCSE Combined Science (Grade 6-6 or above) & Maths (Grade 6 or above)
Biology & Chemistry & Maths (all Grade 6 or above)

Student Comments

“Biology is an interesting, context led course that has allowed me to gain knowledge of a wide variety of scientific principles and is excellent preparation for university.”

“I have found A level Biology completely different from GCSE, it allows you to develop and pursue your own personal interests in independent projects and coursework.”

“I have found A level Biology completely different from GCSE, it allows you to develop and pursue your own personal interests in independent projects and coursework.”

“A level Biology has allowed me to go into more depth and explore biology more than ever before and I have found it fascinating.”

Course Description
The course we follow is the Salters-Nuffield A-Level Biology course (SNAB). 

The Salters-Nuffield (SNAB) course uses a series of contexts and on-line resources to provide an engaging approach to Biology.

The topics covered in Y12 are:
Topic 1: Lifestyle, Health and Risk;
Topic 2: Genes and Health;
Topic 3: Voice of the Genome
Topic 4: Biodiversity and Natural Resources.

The topics covered in Y13 are:
Topic 5: On the wild side;
Topic 6: Immunity, Infection and Forensics;
Topic 7: Run for your life;
Topic 8: Grey Matter.

Assessment Procedure
At A Level, there are three exams, with a total of six hours of examined time.  These exams cover all eight units listed above.

There is no controlled assessment; however, practical competencies are assessed throughout the two years of the full Biology A Level and reported alongside the A Level grade.  Mathematical skills will make up 10% of the assessment.

Biology can be used as an entry qualification for a wide range of science and non-science courses at Colleges and Universities.  Biology is clearly recommended for degree courses in Medicine, Sports Science, Genetics, Food Technology, Environmental Sciences, Biochemistry, Psychology, Biotechnology, Forensic Science and many other biological subjects.


AS and A-Level
Awarding Body  All students will be following the OCR Chemistry A course.  The new course is a more  content-led approach, with each section covering different key concepts of Chemistry.  As well as the A-level, the course will include a non-exam assessed “Practical Endorsement in Chemistry”, which is reported separately.

Useful Websites
OCR Chemistry


New Scientist

Chemistry World - the Royal Society of Chemistry

Subject staff
Miss J Nutter (Assistant Headteacher)

Student Comments

“Chemistry broadens the mind and helps you to develop an understanding of the world around you.”

“Chemistry is a good choice because it links to so many other subjects and is useful for Higher Education.”

“Chemistry is challenging and I enjoy the practical work.”

Course Requirements

5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, which must include:
GCSE Combined Science (Grade 6-6 or above) & Maths (Grade 6 or above)
Chemistry & Maths (both Grade 6 or above)

Course Description

Chemistry looks at the material world around us. Almost everything that we touch or use is made by chemists, including fibres and dyes in clothes, medicines, agrochemicals, fuels, plastics and metals. Chemists also research new ways of minimising human impact on the environment.  An A-level Chemistry course gives a good grounding in the ideas and models that underlie all of these enterprises.

An A Level Chemistry course expands on the Chemistry work done in GCSE Science, but also introduces new ideas. A significant amount of the timetable is allocated to practical work, with many new skills to learn and refine. Progress in Chemistry at this level requires good study skills, hard work and determination.

At A Level there are two 135-minute exams and one 90-minute.

A Post-16 qualification in Chemistry is useful and sometimes essential for University courses in medicine, nursing, veterinary medicine, dentistry and physiotherapy.  It is useful for engineering, food technology, geology and, of course, many science-based courses. All Universities look favourably on Chemistry, when taken in combination with arts and humanities subjects due to the skills it helps you to develop. There are many job opportunities for people with qualifications in Chemistry. Chemists work in industries, Universities and in public services such as environmental health or monitoring.



AS and A-Level

Awarding Body  AQA

Useful Websites

Khan Academy

Physics Classroom

Cyber Physics

The New Scientist

Subject Staff

Mr T Bayram (Teacher of Physics)

Student Comments

“At Physics A level you have to apply what you have learnt a lot more than at GCSE.  You also study some new topics like Particle Physics and Quantum Physics.”

“People are impressed when you say you are studying A level Physics – and there are a lot of different things you can go on to study like Engineering where Physics is needed.”

Course Requirements

5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, which must include:
GCSE Combined Science (Grade 6-6 or above) & Maths (Grade 6 or above)
Physics & Maths (both Grade 6 or above)

Course Description

Link to AQA Information on AS and A Level Physics

The course is studied as a full A level (AQA 7408).

Studying A Level Physics is demanding but students who work hard and follow up their misconceptions and difficulties with staff often exceed beyond their target grades.

Year 12 Content

Topic 1 Measurements and their errors
Topic 2 Particles and Radiation
Topic 3 Waves
Topic 4 Mechanics and Energy
Topic 5 Electricity

Year 13 Content

Topic 6 Further mechanics and thermal physics
Topic 7 Fields
Topic 8 Nuclear Physics
Optional Topic Turning Points in Physics


At the end of Year 13, 3 examinations will be undertaken:
Paper 1 – Topics 1-5 and periodic motion 85 marks (34% of A Level)- 60 marks long and short answers, 25 marks multiple choice.
Paper 2 – Topic 6 -8 85 marks (34% of A Level) )- 60 marks long and short answers, 25 marks multiple choice.
Paper 3 – Practical skills, data analysis and optional topic 80 mark (32% of A Level) – 45 marks on practical skills and data handling, 35 marks on optional topic.
There are 12 essential practicals which must be undertaken throughout the two years which form a practical skills assessment – this will be awarded as pass or fail and is by continuous assessment.


Physics can be used as an entry qualification for a wide range of science and non-science courses at Colleges and Universities.  Physics is clearly a requirement for degree courses in Physics, and is strongly recommended for degree courses in Design and Engineering disciplines and certain Medical courses (such as Radiography). It is also a useful qualification for other Science and Mathematical degree courses.  Physicists are highly sought after in a wide range of careers.
KS5 CTEC Applied Science
Cambridge Technicals in Applied Science
Awarding Body  OCR
Useful Websites

Subject Staff
Mrs R Horton

Course Requirements
5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above, which must include:
GCSE Combined Science (Grade 4-5)  

Course Description
Unit 1: Science Fundamentals: A thorough understanding of scientific principles and practices are essential for science technicians. Knowledge learnt in this unit will create a solid foundation in the fundamentals of science that you will be able to build on in your further study through your choice of additional optional units which will provide you with greater depth of knowledge and practice in your chosen specialisms.

Unit 2:  Laboratory techniques: The aim of this unit is to provide learners with a good grounding in working in a laboratory. This is a general skills unit and covers generic skills required by technicians working in any kind of scientific laboratory including working for an industrial company, the NHS, contract analysis of environmental samples and working in the education sector.

Unit 6: Hazards in the laboratory: This unit presents an overview of the most common hazards encountered in typical research labs and will help you maintain a safe work environment. It also links to many other units within the qualification and you can apply skills in the context of the practicals you will carry out elsewhere.

Unit 18: Microbiology: In this unit you will learn about the commercial use of microorganisms in food production and in medical microbiology. You will also develop a range of practical manipulative skills, including aseptic technique and those used in bacterial identification, which will enable you to work safely and competently in a microbiology laboratory.

Unit 21: Product testing technique: In this unit you will have the opportunity of using the knowledge and skills you have gained in the mandatory units 1 ‘Science Fundamentals’ and unit 2 ‘Laboratory Techniques’. You will use a range of laboratory techniques in your investigations from inception, through to testing products.

Assessment Procedure
Unit 1 and Unit 2 are external assessments.

Unit 6, unit 18 and unit 21 are internal assessments.


Applied Science level 3 can be the steppingstone to apprenticeships, vocational degrees, or foundation degree level at most universities.

Potential careers include Apprenticeships in NHS careers such as nursing, midwifery, medicine, and dentistry. Vocational courses in animal agriculture, or environmental science. Paramedic, marine biologist, climate change analyst or even a nutritionist. This year, we have had applicants to the Royal Air Force and local scientific industries.

Staff Names and Roles

Mr M Langan – Subject Leader Science; Teacher of Biology 

Mrs R Horton – Assistant Head of Science, Teacher of Chemistry 

Miss J Nutter – Assistant Headteacher; Teacher of Chemistry  

Ms J Armitage - Teacher of Physics (Joining Sept 24)

Mr T Bayram- Assistant Headteacher, Teacher of Physics 

Ms F Morphet – Teacher of Biology 

Mr M Harrison- Teacher of Science 

Ms S Cox – Senior Technician 

Mr P Worthington – Technician