Past Exam Results

Examination Results 2023

The results obtained in the summer 2023 examination series reflected the hard work of our students that sat external exams.  Nationally, these results saw a return to the 2019 grading system, following three years of higher attainment nationally from 2020-2022.  The data for the 2023 examinations will be updated once they are formally published by the DfE.  

GCSE Results 2023


Settle College is pleased to report some outstanding achievements by its students in their GCSE and vocational qualifications this summer.  Compared to the average attainment from the published results in 2022, students in this year 11 cohort have achieved over half a grade higher across their best eight qualifications.  This goes against the national picture of a decrease in the overall attainment following the years without public exams.  Over half of the year 11 cohort completed the EBacc (English Baccalaureate), by completing both a language and a humanity GCSE, showing aspiration across the school.

Students have eagerly awaited the outcomes from the summer.  Collecting their results today included Jais Joe, who achieved five grade 8’s and five grade 9’s and was very happy with how it all went. Jais is continuing to study at Settle College, taking A Levels in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths with the intention of going on to study Medicine. Sam Fillingham, who has worked extremely hard throughout his education, was relieved at how his hard work has paid off, achieving nine GCSEs despite having long covid, including five at a grade 8. Sam will also continue to study at Settle College. Izzy Walker, whilst signing up for PE, Psychology and Business at Settle College Sixth Form, said she was very happy with her achievements. Tilly Leadbeater was simply stunned by her outcomes, and grateful for the support she has received. Tilly is happy to be coming back to Settle in September to study for her A levels. Other notable achievements were from Saul Jackson, going on to study Creative Graphic Design at Lancaster and Morecambe College; whilst receiving his results Saul was accompanied by his parents who were visibly proud of his achievements. Alice Astin O’Hara, having secured her grades with an 8 in Art, is heading to Craven College to study Art.  

As part of the “stage not age” curriculum arrangement at Settle College, year 10 students also received three GCSEs this year, with a sixth of the year group achieving grade 6 – 9 in their three options.

Gareth Whitaker, the college’s headteacher said: “It has been a great morning of celebration as students have picked up their results, signing up to courses at the College or heading off to sign up at other colleges. It is always such a pleasure to welcome students in on results day and catch up with parents, grandparents, and others from within our community, sharing this level of celebration with the students”.

A-level Results 2023

Settle College continues to report excellent achievements by its students in their A levels and vocational qualifications. Gareth Whitaker, the College’s headteacher, said: “Knowing our students individually is testament to their achievements, providing for all students, no matter what, and enabling them to be the best they can be. The students have worked exceptionally hard to achieve these results, and the elation has been infectious this morning whilst handing out results. A heartfelt thank you also goes from me to all the staff for going above and beyond, ensuring everyone is catered for.”

Billy Arber (Head Boy), who achieved A grades in Geography, History and his Extended Project Qualification, along with an A* in English Literature, is going on to study History at Oxford University. Billy expressed his thanks to his teachers and is looking forward to the academic study ahead. Tilly McKibben, who throughout her A-Level years has managed to balance her studies with competitive cycle racing on the continent, has achieved B grades in Psychology, History and PE, and is going on to study Sport and Exercise Science at Durham University. Annabelle Pettifer is looking forward to studying at Leeds Arts University. She was ecstatic to move on to film making, looking at Foley artistry, having achieved A* in Photography, grade B in History, a C in her Extended Project Qualification and also the prestigious Gold Arts Award, as well as achieving a grade 8 in singing. Tabitha Brown is heading to Durham University to study Geography having achieved A grades in Biology, Psychology and Geography and a grade B in English Literature. Tabitha noted that she was grateful for all the support and enthusiasm from staff, which has helped her to achieve these grades and get to where she wants to be.

Other notable performances come from Harry Savile with an A in Geography, B in History and a Distinction* in Business, who is now heading off to Lancaster University. Harry said, "Settle has improved me as a person, I have been inspired by the teachers and I am thankful for the support of the school." Also heading to Lancaster University is Callen Ward, who achieved a Distinction* in IT, a grade A in Physics and a B grade in Maths. Callen's success surpassed his own expectations, leaving him somewhat lost for words! He is looking forward to studying Computer Science at Lancaster.

Examination results 2020-22

No performance measures were published by the DfE for 2020 or 2021 due to the significant disruption to students' education as a result of COVID-19, so the results displayed here do not include these years.  Despite this disruption, our students have shown great resilience to continue with their studies and to achieve examination results of which they can be exceptionally proud and reflect the hard work that they have put in to achieving these qualifications.

The summer 2022 examination results were the first set of external examinations since 2019.  As a result, any results obtained by our students in 2021 did not count as part of the league table measures, although they do still count for the students.  This means that the results that were published in the league tables for 2022 will not reflect all of the qualifications gained by our students.  Despite this, we decided to preserve our ‘Stage not Age’ options process, which is in place to maintain a breadth of option choices available to our students, allowing all to choose to study the most appropriate subjects for their futures.  

Progress 8

One of the key measures for schools’ performance is the Progress 8 measure.  This judges the progress that students make at secondary school, taking into account their starting point from their KS2 SATS.  For more information on this, please see the video below.

Key Performance Measures “League Tables”

Key Stage 4

 The DfE KS4 performance data can be viewed here.

Performance Measure
2023 Results
2022 Results*
2019 Results
Progress 8 -0.10 -0.77 +0.13
% pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths 30% 36% 29%
Attainment 8 44.1 38 44.3
EBacc APS 3.93 3 4
% Entering EBacc 51% 18% 39%
% Students in education or going into employment after key stage 4 96% 96% 98%

*2022 league table results do not include the results achieved by students in their 2021 GCSEs.

Key Stage 5

Please see below for 2022/23 results and destinations:

  • 22 (73%) gained their first-choice place at university (69% in 2022)
  •  5 students got their insurance place or a place on another course at their chosen university
  • 2 were in clearing 
  • 30% at a Russell Group university or at Lancaster (classed as a top 10 university) – source:
  • 7 out of 8 applicants to a Russell Group university were successful (87%)  
  • Geography, History, Photography and Physics all above national for A*-B 
  • Biology, Chemistry, Drama, English Literature, History, Music all above national A*-C 
    82% Distinction*/Distinction grades in vocational subjects like Business, Engineering and IT


The DfE KS5 performance data can be viewed here.